Terry J. Martin


Secretary: Jeanene Thompson   jthompson@hansenkohls.com

Terry James Martin is a litigation attorney with a distinguished and eclectic background representing individuals and entities involved in public policy, business, and the nonprofit sector. His practice areas include professional liability, business law, and civil litigation.

Terry has contributed to the Federal Election Commission, a US Presidential campaign, litigation of three United States Supreme Court cases, and litigation based on the First Amendment freedoms of speech. He has specialized in election law, and counseled individuals and entities on business law, intellectual property law, commercial law, consumer law, civil rights law, and family law. In his spare time, Terry is a rock singer, guitarist, bassist, and songwriter, and is active in numerous civic societies. 

Terry graduated from the University of Virginia School of Law in 2015. He also holds Bachelor of Arts degrees in Economics and Government with a double-minor in Communication Studies and California State and Local Public Policy, and graduate training in the Master of Public Policy and Administration program from California State University, Sacramento.